The Frankfort Plant Board Electric (FPB) is responsible for providing electric power and service to approximately 21,000 meters in Franklin County and portions of Shelby and Woodford Counties.
FPB maintains both overhead and underground electric infrastructure. An on-call truck provides 24-hour service to our customers. As a municipal utility provider, FPB strives to keep rates as low as possible. The money received each month from bills is primarily used to purchase wholesale power and maintain / expand our electric infrastructure.
FPB ranks as one of the lowest revenue per kilowatt (kWh) electric providers in the six state area.
599 power providers in Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia were compared in the 2010-2011 American Public Power Association (APPA) Annual Directory and Statistical Report. The APPA report ranked FPB as the ninth (9th) lowest overall. The list includes Investor Owned (IOU), Municipals (MU), and Cooperative (COOP) companies. FPB is the fifth lowest in Kentucky behind smaller providers like: Nicholasville, Bardstown, and Henderson.
Another example of FPB’s outstanding electric service is the small amount of energy loss. The national average of energy loss is 4.9% for municipals, 5.1% for independently owned utilities and 6.2% for cooperatives. FPB, a municipal, is only 3.5%. Attention to detail and careful construction planning, along with efficient distribution transformers and a compact service territory help FPB to be a regional leader in energy loss.
The Future is Electric
Base Rate: $0.27 per kWh
On-Peak Rate: $0.48 per kWh
Summer (May-October) Peak Period: 2PM – 6PM
Winter (November-April) Peak Period: 6AM-10AM
FPB Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations will add about 25 miles of RPH (maximum Range recovered Per hour of Charge), making it easy for EVs to gain 100+ miles of range when parked for long periods of time. Parking and charging for an hour or two can add 25-50 miles of range, more than enough for everyday driving needs.**
Current FPB EV Charging Station locations are: Franklin County Farmers Market, Juniper Hill Park, and Olive Street.
Chargepoint ct4021
Considering Going Solar?
Check out FPB’s Customer Guidance on going solar and learn more about what it can do for your home and business.
Board Meetings
The KyMEA Board of Directors shall hold its regular meetings on the fourth Thursday of each month except for November and December, which are the third Wednesday. The regular meetings shall convene and commence at 10:00 AM Eastern Time on said dates. The regular meetings shall be held in the offices of KYMEA at 1700 Eastpoint Parkway, Suite 220, in Louisville, Kentucky or, if additional space, is required in the common meeting room of the building located at said location.
KYMEA Presentation
For more information about FPB’s proposed future power sources, please view the presentation regarding the KyMEA All Requirements Project by clicking the button.
Learn more about KYMEA by visiting
KYMEA IRP Presentation
View KYMEA’s IRP Presentation by clicking the button.
Click button below to read our Frequently Asked Questions about KYMEA
FPB Electric Comes to You
FPB's Electric is available to provide light board demonstrations, thermographic imaging on FPB equipment for commercial and industrial customers, meter reading examples with the FPB meter robot, pole climbing demonstrations and more.
FPB's presentations are a great way for home and business owners to learn about saving energy and reducing electric bills. These demonstrations are also perfect for Earth friendly education and awareness. Utilizing the light board, spectators will see first hand, the energy consumption and differences between CFLs, LEDs, and incandescent bulbs.
Bring FPB Electric to your school, home, business, club, group or agency by calling Wanda McDonald today at 502-352-4412 or email Wanda at
Tree Planning & Planting
To maintain the integrity of your electric service, it is important to make sure trees on your property are properly maintained around power lines.
In our Tree Planning And Planting guide, you'll not only find information on the variety of trees and their typical mature height you will also find tips on where to plant the trees around your house!
Need help choosing which trees to plant near homes and power lines?
View our extensive online tree guide to learn about specific trees, their growth height, see foliage and more.
Click to enlarge
Home Energy Saver
Save money, live better and help the Earth! Use this home energy calculator to determine your energy usage and ways to save on your utility bills.
Visit the Department of Energy website for more information and resources regarding saving energy. You can also download this DOE guide which shows how easy it is to cut your energy use at home and also on the road.
Conservation eBook
Download this informative booklet packed full of energy and water saving tips. You'll find useful conservation details for every season and every room in your house. You'll also find helpful information on appliances and their average energy consumption as well as details for reading your own electric meter.
For more information on Incentives, Grants and Policies regarding energy efficiency and renewable energy, please visit
Lowering your energy bills—
it's within your control!
Save energy and lower your bills with these simple tips. Download energy saving tips.
The Power Cost Adjustment
The cost to make electricity is affected by the price of coal and fuel. FPB has an established rate per kilowatt-hour to provide electricity to its customers, and the rate does not fluctuate.
The Power Cost Adjustment is a fuel adjustment charge caused by an increased or decreased cost of coal or fuel. It is shown on the customer’s bill as a credit or a surcharge to the price per kilowatt-hour. FPB does not make profit from the Power Cost Adjustment but passes to the customer the actual price change. The customer’s utility bill may have a credit, as the cost of coal or fuel decreases, or it may have a surcharge when the costs increase.
Questions? Click here for the Power Cost FAQ.